Weekly LIVE Music at The Post & Bar 13 Schedule Posted on Social Media
Every Friday- Fish Fry at the American Legion
February 8th: Galentine's Day in Pierceton
Visit a great assortment of vendors including vintage clothing, spa and healthcare, sweet treats and
MORE at The 3682 Event Venue! Also, go around town and get your passports stamped for a chance to
win prizes!!! Shops offer special treats, new merchandise and sales!
March 29th: National Mom & Pop Business Owners Day
Join us in Pierceton for a Trivia Challenge by visiting our mom/pop businesses for clues and a chance
to win Pierceton Bucks! Trivia theme will be "Businesses in Movies"
May 10th: Destination Pierceton
Downtown Vendors - Online Silent Auction Fundraiser & Display - Shopping
Chamber Member and Small Local Business Promo Vendors at Brower Park & The 3863 Venue
Saturday 10am-4pm.
We will also have a Silent Auction going on that day, and online before and after the event on our
Chamber Facebook Page.
More Information and Auction Album can be found on our Chamber Facebook Page closer to event.
May 10th: Fire Department Fish Fry
Fish and Tenderloin Fry at the Fire Station 4pm-7pm. All proceeds donated to the Fire Department.
June 13th & 14th: Townwide Garage Sales
Downtown Businesses and Residential Garage Sale Weekend! If you need a place to set up a booth, we
are renting booth spaces at Brower Park and on Catholic Street. Contact visitpierceton@yahoo.com for
details. 10x20 Booths available for $10.
August 1st & 2nd: Pierceton Days
Pierceton Days Celebration
Car & Truck Show will take place on Friday at 5pm and the Parade on Saturday at 5pm
Forms to participate in in Parade and Car show on EVENT FORMS AND APPLICATIONS Tab.
Additional information, events, schedule and more will be available on our Facebook Page!
August 23rd: Heirloom Tomato Festival
Heirloom Tomato Festival at Brower Park 10am-4pm including Agricultural Art Show and 5K
Run/Walk at 9am. Music, Food, Shopping, Heirloom Tomato Display and MORE!!!
A variety of vendors: Crafted goods, farmers market items and food vendors!
October - all month long: Crows for a Cause
Stroll around downtown to see our scarecrows created by local shops, businesses and chamber
members. Each year a Cause will be selected, and the scarecrows are displayed as a reminder and
incentive to donate to that cause! Last year was Shoes and Dos! We'll announce
this year's recipient and scarecrow theme soon!
October 17th: Girl's Night Out 4pm - 8pm
Grab some friends and walk through town for a fun night out! Take a shopping passport, collect
stamps and enter to win Chamber Bucks!! Lots of free give aways, treats, sales and deals await during
the Girl's Night Out!
November 29th: Shop Small Saturday
Shop Small Saturday - Take the day and support local small businesses this holiday season!
Each year a list is available on our Chamber Facebook Page the week of Thanksgiving, and in the
shops on the day of the event to list our shops, hours, sales, specials or give aways!
December 6th: Christmas in Pierceton
Enjoy a Primitives and Antiques Vendor Show at Pierceton Elementary, Shop Hop shopping event
downtown, a Christmas Parade at dusk and the Town Lighting to follow!
Shop Hop:
Shops will be opening 9-10am until 4 or 5pm. Some will have snacks, give aways, drawings,
sales and more! Bring your friends and stroll around town!
Heritage Gathering Primitive Show:
Heritage Gathering Primitives Show is located at Pierceton Elementary School - FREE Entrance!
A wonderful assortment of primitive and vintage items. This will be the 14th annual show and
Pierceton is so proud of this exceptional event! Event is from 9am - 3pm.
Light Up Our Town:
Come downtown and enjoy a Christmas Celebration as we light up our town following a Christmas
parade! Parade begins at approximately 6:00 from Pierceton Elementary and the route ends at
Brower Park. The lighting ceremony will then be held at Brower Park. Afterwards, Santa will travel
from Brower Park to Harvest Community Church to visit the kids! You can also see a live nativity!
For more details or to help with this town event visit our Chamber Facebook Page!
(This is an active list with the most up to date information, please check back often as more information becomes available)